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About our company

" With Over 25 years Experience you know you'll be in safe hands"

Aquatech Plumbing was established in 2001 by Martin Murphy, Martin had served his time with a large plumbing company and qualified from DIT Bolton Street in 1995  he carried out domestic and Commercial work in some of the largest housing and Hotel projects being undertaken at the time in the Dublin area,

  • We have been a member of the National guild of master craftsmen since 2002.
  • We are members of the Association of plumbing and heating contractors of Ireland (APHCI).
  • We have been RGII registered installers Since 2003.
  • We are Worcester Bosch Accredited Installers.
  • We are Joule Accredited Installers.

"No Matter What your project is, May it be big or Small you can rest assured that we have the knowledge and experience to carry it out"


National guild of Master Craftsmen
association of plumbing and heating contractors Ireland
RGI, RGII, Registered gas installer
Worcester Accredited Installer
Joule acccredited installer
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